sâmbătă, 15 martie 2008

Bacalaureat 2008

Most of you will sustain the Bacalaureat exam this year?
I would like for you to touch the following issues:
-What are the classes that you will sustain your exam to?
-Are you considered ready for those classes?
-How seriously do you take the exam?
-How do you feel about the exam "variants" that appeared about 2 weeks ago?

3 comentarii:

Mihai spunea...

HAi bagati commenturi:))

raluk spunea...

numai u puteai sa faci asha cva:D oricum e marfa:D >:D<

cris spunea...

pana voi sustine eu examenul asta mai e un an...oricum subiectele de anul asta ,in special la mate M1, nu-s deloc usoare...cu putin noroc poate le schimba :D